woman opening car

Brits spend 1460 minutes per year looking for car keys

  • 28% of drivers only have one set of car keys
  • One in five drivers misplace their car keys at least once a week


Almost half of all drivers (47%) say they lose their car keys on a regular basis according to new survey by OSV, the UK’s leading independent vehicle supply professionals.

With motorists admitting to spending on average 4 minutes per day looking for car keys, it’s come to light that almost a third (28%) of all drivers don’t keep a spare set of keys as a back-up, and nearly one in five (17%) drivers confess to misplacing their car keys once a week.

So where do all the car keys go?

  • Handbags provide hidey-holes for 63% of misplaced keys
  • A forgetful 49% left their keys in their coat pockets
  • 23% were left in the car itself by those not entirely security conscious
  • 7% of parents found that their little darlings were to blame, with the keys finding their way into the children’s toy box
  • It seems that spending a penny on the way in or out of the house can also be dangerous for the distracted, with 4% leaving their keys in the bathroom


OSV joint-company Director, Debbie Kirkley, comments:  ‘I don’t think any of us are entirely guiltless when it comes to keeping track of our keys; we’ve all lost them from time to time. So many people not having a spare set is a bit of a worry though, especially as we’re so reliant on our vehicles in the UK.

‘Here at OSV many of the team have devised their own ways to keep track of their keys, from specific storage racks and glow-in-the-dark stickers, to special tracking devices. Personally, I find a large keyring helps, so at least when I’m rummaging in my handbag, it doesn’t take too long to find!’

Notes to editors:

OSV are the UK’s best independent vehicle supply professionals, providing every funding method imaginable. Trading since 1997, they have the experience to provide our customers with the highest level of service and are proud to be members of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association.

Customers can visit the OSV website – http://www.osv.ltd.uk/  – or call 01903 538835 for help finding the right car and the right financial package to suit their needs.


How many sets of car keys do you have in your household?
1 28%
2 42%
3 18%
N/A 12%
Would you say you lose your car keys on a regular basis?
Yes 47%
No 39%
N/A 14%
How often do you misplace your car keys?
Daily 17%
At least once a week 24%
At least once a fortnight 22%
At least once a month 22%
N/A 15%
How long do you spend looking for your car keys on an average day?
1 minute 3%
2 minutes 7%
3 minutes 20%
4 minutes 46%
5+ minutes 24%
N/A 5%
Where have you found your missing car keys? (tick all that apply)
Handbag 63%
Coat Pocket 49%
In the car 23%
Children’s Toy Box 7%
Bathroom 4%
N/A 11%

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